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Yoga Journal's Beginning Yoga Step by Step: Session One - Three Review

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Yoga Journal's Beginning Yoga Step by Step: Session One - Three Overview

Specially-priced 3-DVD set!

SESSION 1 - Foundation Poses for Strength & Stamina

Learn the standing poses that form the foundation of a complete yoga practice. Get expert instruction on Sun Salutation, a flowing sequence of poses with forward bends and gentle backbends that take you through a full range of motion. And understand how breathwork can help you balance your effort with a calm and quiet mind. Featuring acclaimed yoga teacher Natasha Rizopoulos.

SESSION 2 - Bending and Twisting Poses for Flexibility

Enhance your flexibility, lift your spirit, and brighten your mood with this series of bends and twists. Backbends bring energy to the body, while forward bends and twists calm the nervous system. As the poses help you become more flexible on your mat, so too will they help you become more flexible in facing your daily life.

SESSION 3 - Balancing Poses for Focus & Energy

Develop focus and energy through a sequence of inversions and arm balances. Although these poses can be challenging, Natasha shows you how to attain positions that you might not currently think are possible -- and she shows you how to do so safely. When you are upside-down, you'll not only receive the health benefits of reversing the flow of gravity, you'll see the world in a whole new way.


35-minute active instructional session

PLUS 20-minute flowing workout

Poses suitable for beginners and advanced beginners

Follow along with Natasha Rizopoulis or her assistant Jason, who demonstrates modified poses for less flexible people.

Understand the benefits of each yoga pose with commentary by Yoga Journal's medical editor, Timothy McCall, M.D.

Learn alignment principles and correct common mistakes with Yoga Chalk Talk, our exclusive live drawing board.

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Aug 28, 2012 18:28:22


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